In Person Event Exhibitor Registration
If you have joined us as an exhibitor before, please join us again at one or more of the venues. If you’re a first-timer, welcome! As always, the Archaeology Roadshow will be a great way for organizations and individuals to share their passion and knowledge about archaeology and heritage with a diverse public.
As in past years, we have chosen a theme for 2025: “The Archaeology of Art & Craft”.
We acknowledge that the words “art” and “craft” carry various meanings, many tied to western ideas, some less so. Our goal is to focus on how the skills of the traditional artisan and master craftsman are reflected both in the archaeological record and in the living heritage art forms and traditions passed down through generations. We will be encouraging you to reflect on ways to celebrate, honor and communicate some of this complexity to our visitors as you put your exhibits and activities together this year.
2025 Event Dates:
Portland: Gateway Discovery Park – Saturday, May 31st
Central Oregon: Deschutes Historical Museum in Bend – Saturday, June 7th
Harney County: Hines Park in Burns/Hines – Saturday, June 28th
The Dalles: The Columbia Gorge Discovery Center & Museum – TBD
Questions? Please contact us at
The Roadshow supports activities that convey what we can learn from archaeology, how it contributes to a broader understanding of our place in the world today, why we need to protect it, and the deep connections archaeology and heritage have to Indigenous people and other descendant populations.
Virtual Exhibits
We also want to continue adding content to our website in the form of virtual exhibits created by you, our community partners. These exhibits could showcase what your organization does or has accomplished in support of heritage in our state. They could be blogs, short videos, downloadable activities for children, etc., that show ways heritage matters to the public.
If you would like to submit a Virtual Exhibit please contact us at
Please review the “Best Practices Guide” to help you create a virtual exhibit that tells “your story” in the most effective way possible.
Also visit to refresh your memory and spark ideas.
Questions? Please contact us at